list of reading

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Telepresence Art by Edaurdo Kac
..."The totality of the existing architecture of the media founds itself on this latter definition: they are what always prevents response, making all processes of exchange impossible (except in the various forms of response simulation, themselves integrated in the transmission process, thus leaving the unilateral nature of the communication intact). This is the real abstraction of the media. And the system of social control and power is rooted in it (12)." Whether involving an exchange between two interlocutors or not, telepresence seems to create this space of reciprocity absent from mass media. The space created by telepresence is reciprocal because the decisions (motion, vision, operation, etc.) made by the "user" or "participant" affect and are affected by the remote environment....

Transforming Mirrors by David Rokeby
...It is clear that these relationships, and the images of self that they reflect, are merely representations, simplified symbols that are used to refer to the more complex operations of what we call 'real' life. Navigable structures are a way of representing subjectivity. Limited media are ways of representing creativity. Mirrors, and in a more abstract way, automata, are ways of representing ourselves. All of these representations are also personal expressions of the artists who made them possible. The artist's act of expression is moved to a higher level of abstraction although the artwork's final manifestation retains a compelling apparent actuality. Rather than lessening the authority of the creator, these works represent a shift in the nature of that authority....

My Finger''s getting tired by Don Ritter
...Creating interactive works which use commercially available input devices is undoubtedly convenient. Perhaps it is time, however, to have the entire body participate in the interactive experience...
Based on the definition "Accepting input from a human," it appears that most items in our world, including door knobs, tooth brushes and shoe laces are interactive. Within this paper, however, I will use a definition of interactive as being a reciprocal relationship between a user and a medium: a person provides input and a medium responds. The topic of this section of the paper, however, is not the definition of interactive media, but rather, its function within an art medium...

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